Sunday, May 15, 2016

Outtakes II

In an attempt to have no unexpressed thoughts about our pilgrimage, here are some more photos and observations.

One of the best parts of the Camino was stopping for a drink or snack at one of the cafes along the way. Many of the proprietors spoke English, but not all. Did you know that Spanish is the first language for 500 million people? It is the second most common first language, behind Mandarin.

These were some of the indispensable items I had on the pilgrimage: hiking shoes, wool socks (soft, not itchy), money belt (I wore it almost all the time), electrical adapter, fleece jacket (many chilly days), Camino guide book, and my favorite of all, the poncho which did great work keeping us dry.

A truly great candy bar.

Some very general observations about Europeans: they eat less than us, but smoke more, despite the large and blunt warning on cigarette packs: Smoking kills. They also appear to be less addicted to electronic devices.

I loved looking at the map of where our plan was during the flight. So hard to reconcile the above reality--being over the Atlantic Ocean--with the cramped movie-theater type surroundings of the airliner.

Hard to believe it was that cold outside the window, too.

Or that we're going that fast, that high off the ground.

This is a sign in the Dublin airport that I need in my daily life.

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