Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day Two: From Ambasmestras to O'Cebreiro

I am starting at the end of day 2 with the above picture. Luke, John, myself, and Peggy are sitting on wall in the town of O'Cebreiro, a town we climbed about 2,000 meters to reach. I don't know if it was because of the exhilaration of the upward hike or the fact that our legs are still fairly fresh, but it wasn't too hard of a walk.

We left for our about 8 mile walk and the first town we came to had a castle overlooking it.

A bridge constructed by the Romans spans the Valcarce river. Those Romans knew how to build bridges and roads.

We are now in the Galicia region of Spain, which is lush and green.

Lots of interesting looking windows.

A cow strolling through town with her sisters, like they are beauty pageant contestants.

Climbing the beautiful hills.


We are headed the right direction.

Luke is hanging tough.

And so is Peggy. We are almost there.

We had Mass at St. Maria of the Real. A miracle took place at this church. A terrible snowstorm was raging outside and the tired priest thought he would be able to cancel Mass when in walked one peasant who had battled the elements to be there. The priest grudgingly celebrated Mass and at the Consecration, the host and wine turned into actual flesh and blood. 

Apparently, there was another such miracle more recently in Buenos Aires and the presiding archbishop had the flesh sent to a lab for analysis. The tissue was heart tissue. The archbishop was Jorge Mario Bergoglio (AKA Pope Francis).

We will think about the persistence of that peasant pilgrim and miracles as we continue through the days.


  1. The priest talked about the miracle in Buenos Aires this morning at mass! This is an absolute incredible journey you are on...I am so moved by your pictures and stories!

  2. Wow, Diane, what a coincidence! Our spiritual director on the tour, Fr. Michael, also talked about the Buenos Aires miracle. Lots of coincidences regarding this church!

  3. Love the photo of us together sitting on the wall overlooking that beautiful view! I so enjoyed this little town where I bought my Camino buff! Luke sneaked off with my hiking poles and shortened them to a little man size without me knowing it, making for a good laugh for all when I started back on my way! Although, he reported Tina put him up to it! ;)

  4. Wasn't that funny? Everyone was so kind to Luke! He loved being with the group. I loved the scenery throughout the Camino, but Day 1 & 2 may have been my favorite.
